Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, March 27, 2025

Plaza surfaces have more waterproofing (see all those stripes on the plaza slab and reinforcements) and planter concrete foundations are being formed to pour concrete walls next month.

Construction Highlights:

Plaza/Pagoda Work:

  • Waterproofing work continues on the concrete slabs near Post Street East Mall and around all the steel reinforcements.

  • Concrete foundation form work has begun around the pagoda planters.

Garage Work:

  • Night work in the garage (10:30 to 7AM) continues from mid through end of March. This quiet work consists of removing paint in preparation for the installation of new beams.

  • Scanning the concrete to identify all reinforcements on the ceiling continues in preparation for necessary coring in the next few months.

  • Scaffolding remains in both upper and lower garage levels (approximately 60 parking spots) and vehicle ramp through mid-2025. Drive cautiously and follow posted detours signs on both upper and lower levels. Please do not walk on the ramp between levels.

Access to and throughout Japan Center Malls and Garage:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard: Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street: Use the new posted detours into East Mall adjacent to U.S. Bank and to West Malls through the middle of construction entrance.

  • Sidewalk: Accessible pedestrian detour is open along the north side of Geary between Laguna to Buchanan Streets. For safety, follow all detours, stay within fenced pedestrian detour lane, and avoid walking in the bus lanes.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, March 10, 2025

We’ve made headway on the waterproofing and are switching the detours to the Post Street Mall entrances mid-March! Please follow signs leading into each of the mall entrances.

Detour entrance to the East Mall will be adjacent to the building (US Bank) starting March 11, 2025.

Detour entrance to the West Mall will be through the middle of the construction site starting the week of March 17, 2025.

Construction Highlights:

  • Night work in the garage (midnight to 8AM) will start mid-March through mid-April. This quiet work consists of prepping the painted areas for the installation of new beams.

  • Plaza/Pagoda Work:

    • Waterproofing work continues on the concrete slabs near Post Street East Mall and around all the steel reinforcements.

  • Garage Work:

    • Scanning the concrete to identify all reinforcements on the ceiling continues in preparation for necessary coring in the next few months.

    • Scaffolding remains in both upper and lower garage levels (approximately 60 parking spots) and vehicle ramp through mid-2025. Drive cautiously and follow posted detours signs on both upper and lower levels. Please do not walk on the ramp between levels.

Access to and throughout Japan Center Malls and Garage:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard: Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street: Use the new posted detours into East and West Malls being adjusted Mid-March.

  • Sidewalk: Accessible pedestrian detour is open along the north side of Geary between Laguna to Buchanan Streets. For safety, follow all detours, stay within fenced pedestrian detour lane, and avoid walking in the bus lanes.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, February 7, 2025

When the rain slows down waterproofing work, our contractor focuses on preparing various mock-ups for approval. Our Pagoda mock-up will receive Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FPR) wrapping and tension rods this month. This will be evaluated by the design team and preservation team. Concrete steps and concrete wall mock-ups were poured to confirm the color and texture. This allows the design team, including Japantown Task Force (JTF) cultural consultant, to evaluate all the sample finishes so they are in harmony.

Construction Highlights:

  • No Saturday Work/Night Work: these next few weeks

  • Plaza/Pagoda Work:

    • Waterproofing: Work continues on the concrete slabs near Post Street East Mall entrance; however, the concrete has to be thoroughly dry to continue applying the waterproofing membrane. Once the concrete is dry, waterproofing will proceed (55% completed).

    • The copper roof on the pagoda has been removed, the columns are being scanned to identify internal reinforcements, and we are cleaning any spalling in the roof connections before targeted reinforcement work begins.

  • Garage Work:

    • Structural work on the ceiling has begun with scanning and marking the ceiling where additional beams will be installed. Look up next time you are there to track the progress.

    • Scaffolding remains in both upper and lower garage levels (approximately 60 parking spots) and vehicle ramp through mid-2025. Drive cautiously and follow posted detours signs in both upper and lower levels and please do not walk on the ramp between levels.

Access to and throughout Japan Center Malls and Garage:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard: Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street: Use the detour through center of Plaza for East Mall and near West Mall building for West Mall.

  • East Mall: Detour through the center of the Plaza until mid-March when a temporary path will be installed alongside the building.

  • West Mall:  Use entrance along west mall building until mid-March when a new detour through the center of the Plaza will be installed.

  • Sidewalk: Accessible pedestrian detour is open along the north side of Geary between Laguna to Buchanan Streets. For safety, follow all detours, stay within fenced pedestrian detour lane, and avoid walking in the bus lanes.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, January 17, 2025

Happy New Year 2025! This coming year will bring noticeable changes throughout construction!

Construction Highlights:

  • Saturday Work: Scheduled for January 18 and January 25 to catch up from holiday rain delays.

  • Night Work: No night work in January.

  • Plaza/Pagoda Work:

    • Waterproofing: Work continues on the concrete slabs near Post Street East Mall entrance and behind the fences of the current East Mall detour.

    • The holidays were wet but now the concrete has thoroughly dried to allow us to proceed with additional plaza drains and more waterproofing (55% completed).

    • The copper roof on the pagoda has been removed and the columns are being scanned to document internal reinforcements before targeted reinforcements can begin.

  • Garage Work:

    • Structural work on the ceiling has begun. You may see a parking spot or two covered to contain dust.

    • Scaffolding remains in both upper and lower garage levels (approximately 60 parking spots) and vehicle ramp through mid-2025. Drive cautiously and follow posted detours signs in both upper and lower levels. Please do not walk on the ramp between levels.

Access to and throughout Japan Center Malls and Garage.

  • Access from Geary Boulevard: Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street:Use the detour through center of Plaza for East Mall and near West Mall building for West Mall.

    • East Mall: Detour through the center of the Plaza until mid-February when a temporary path will be installed alongside the building.

    • West Mall: Use entrance along West Mall building until mid-February when a new detour through the center of the Plaza will be installed.

  • Sidewalk: Accessible pedestrian detour is open along the north side of Geary between Laguna to Buchanan Streets. For safety, follow all detours, stay within fenced pedestrian detour lane, and avoid walking in the bus lanes.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, December 24, 2024

The recent rains are testing our newly installed waterproofing! To date, 80% of the waterproofing substrate preparation and 50% of the waterproofing assembly have been completed, and they are performing beautifully!

Bird’s eye view of the plaza where the NW and SE quadrants are almost completed.

  • East Mall: Entrance from Post Street – Detour through the center of the Plaza until late January/early February when a temporary path will be installed alongside the building.

  • West Mall: Entrance from Post Street – New detour through the center of the Plaza begins late January/early February.

  • Garage Work: Scaffolding remains in both upper and lower garage levels and ramp through mid-2025. Drive cautiously and follow posted detours signs and please do not walk on the ramp between levels.

  • Waterproofing: Work continues on the concrete slabs near Post Street East Mall entrance and detour walkway Post Street near East Mall.

And remember, Japan Center Malls are open for business!

  • Access from Geary Boulevard: Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street: Use the detour through center of Plaza for East Mall and near West Mall building for West Mall

  • Sidewalk: Accessible pedestrian detour is open along the north side of Geary between Laguna to Buchanan Streets. For safety, follow all detours, stay within fenced pedestrian detour lane, and avoid walking in the bus lanes.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Additional Info...

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Advisory - Notice of Night Work in December


Please be advised – Plant Construction Company, L.P. will be performing waterproofing work at the Japantown Peace Plaza (1610 Geary Blvd.) on the following dates:

  • December 2-6

  • December 9-13

Night work will be performed during the hours of 3:30A.M. and 8:30A.M. to minimize the disruption of operations at Japan Center Malls. Our team will adopt sound mitigation measures to minimize noise levels.

Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the duration of construction (Spring 2024 - Early 2026).

Please follow new detour signage on Post Street to Mall Plaza Entrances.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project page >>

Additional Info...

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, November 20, 2024

Continued Construction Updates for NOVEMBER into DECEMBER:

  • EAST Mall: Entrance from Post Street – Detour through the center of the Plaza until a new temporary path alongside building is installed in mid-December.

  • WEST Mall: Entrance from Post Street – Use path alongside the building through mid-December until the new detour through the center of Plaza is installed in mid-December.

  • NIGHT WORK– Expect up to ten days of night work in the first two weeks of December during the hours of 3-8:30 AM. Work will occur immediately in front of the mall entrances before shops open. Night work is necessary to minimize disruption to mall businesses. Notices regarding this work will also be posted and mailed. Anticipated dates for night work are as follows:

    • December 2-6 – Waterproofing Application at Mall Entrances

    • December 9-13 – Waterproofing Application at Mall Entrances

  • GARAGE WORK – Expect to see the installation of additional scaffolding to the lower garage ramp in late November. Flaggers will direct traffic as needed. About 60 parking spots remain blocked for scaffolding and temporary lanes – please drive slowly and follow posted signs and detours.

  • WATERPROOFING – Work continues on concrete slabs east and west of the pagoda. Once completed, waterproofing starts on slab adjacent Post Street in late November into December.

OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the duration of construction. Please note pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street – Use the fenced paths near the buildings to access East Mall and West Mall.

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED – Temporary accessible pathway on north side of Geary Boulevard, from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk), is currently being built and expected to be opened late Nov/early Dec; For your safety, please continue use the south side of Geary Boulevard.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, November 4, 2024

The concrete slab below the pagoda has been waterproofed, and the five-story scaffolding is almost completed! Check out the reinforcements (all those vertical sticks being installed in photo) for the future terraced seating.

Continued Construction Updates for NOVEMBER into DECEMBER:

  • EAST Mall – Entrance from Post Street – detour through the center of the Plaza (FYI: new temporary path alongside building installed in November).

  • WEST Mall – Entrance from Post Street – path along the building (FYI: new detour through the center of Plaza to be installed in December.)

  • NIGHT WORK – Up to three days of night work are expected in mid-November. Exact Dates will be announced, permits and notices will be posted.

  • GARAGE WORKIn early November (5am – 10am), additional scaffolding will be added inside the lower garage ramp. Flaggers will direct traffic as needed. About 60 parking spots remain blocked for scaffolding and temporary lanes—please drive slowly and follow posted signs and detours.

  • WATERPROOFINGFrom November 1-15, work on the concrete slabs east and west of the pagoda (FYI: the waterproofing slab adjacent Post St is set for late November to December).

OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the duration of construction. Please note pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Use the Geary Boulevard parking garage to access both East Mall and West Mall.

  • Access from Post Street – Use the fenced paths near the buildings to access East Mall and West Mall.

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED - The north side of Geary Boulevard, from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk), is closed. For your safety, please use the south side of Geary Boulevard.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Update, October 21, 2024

Get your last glimpses of the Pagoda before it is covered in scaffolding! The shoring installed in the garage supports the scaffolding in the plaza.

Please be advised of the following construction updates since our last update earlier this month.

  • EAST Mall Entrance from Post Street – The current detour through center of Plaza remains through October. We will begin to use a temporary path that runs alongside the building in late November.

  • WEST Mall Entrance from Post Street – The current path along building will be in place into November. A new detour through center of Plaza will begin in late October/early November. The current path alongside the building will resume in late November/early December.

  • NIGHT WORK – Up to three days of night work are expected in October. Exact Dates will be forthcoming. Contractor will be obtaining permits, and then mailing and posting notices.

  • GARAGE WORK – Scaffolding on the ramp to the lower garage level will be moved in late October. Work will take place between 5AM-10AM. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic to lower level if needed.

  • Approximately 60 total parking spots are currently blocked for the pagoda scaffolding supports and temporary driving lanes. For your safety, please drive slowly and follow all posted signage, including posted detours.

  • WATERPROOFING – Waterproofing was installed around the pagoda. The rest of the plaza will be waterproofed for the next six weeks.

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Update, October 2024

Please be advised of the following construction updates since our last update in September.

  • EAST Mall Entrance from Post Street – The current detour through center of Plaza remains through October. We will begin to use a temporary path that runs alongside the building in November.

  • WEST Mall Entrance from Post Street – The current path along building will be in place through October. A new detour through center of Plaza will begin in late October/early November. The current path alongside the building will resume again in late November/early December.

  • NIGHT WORK – Up to three days of night work are expected in October. Exact Dates will be forthcoming. Contractor will be obtaining permits, and then mailing and posting notices.

  • GARAGE WORK – Scaffolding will be placed around the pagoda in October and will remain in place through mid-2025. To prepare for the scaffolding, shoring (supports) will be installed directly beneath the scaffolding on both lower and upper garage levels starting October 7.

Approximately 60 total parking spots will be blocked for the supports and temporary driving lanes. For your safety, please follow all posted signage, including posted detours.

  • WATERPROOFING – Waterproofing material will be installed on the plaza surface starting October 7 and running through end of November. During this time period we will be monitoring the roofing process, odors may occur, and we will work to address

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Update, September 2024

Demolition work continues! The pagoda scaffolding will be installed this Fall and remain into Summer 2025. To prepare for the scaffolding, the contractor will be installing supports in October/November directly beneath the scaffolding on both the garage lower and upper levels blocking off 60 parking spots to accommodate the supports and temporary driving lanes. For your safety, please follow all posted signage, including posted detours.

Access to the East Mall is detoured through in the center of Post St Construction barrier which will remain in place into October while the semi-permanent walkway is constructed. Once completed, contractor will create a detour to the west mall from the middle of Post Street.

See the construction photos for what is happening behind the construction barricade.

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project webpage >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Advisory - Notice of Night Work in August, 2024

Please be advised – Plant Construction Company, L.P. will be performing concrete demolition and hot-fluid waterproofing work at the Japantown Peace Plaza (1610 Geary Blvd.) on the following dates:

  • August 19, 2024 – Concrete Demolition

  • August 20, 2024 – Hot-Fluid Waterproofing

  • August 21, 2024 – Coring and Drain Installation

  • August 22, 2024 – Concrete Pour

  • August 27, 2024 – Expansion Joint Install

  • August 28-30, 2024 – Hot-Fluid Waterproofing

Work will be performed during the hours of 3:30 AM and 8:30 AM to minimize the disruption of operations at Japan Center Malls.

There will be a high level of noise due to the use of concrete demolition equipment. Our Team will adopt sound mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels during demolition with the use of “Noise Reduction Barrier” blankets (STC 33) around the perimeter of the work area.

In addition, scaffolding will be installed around the pagoda in late August and remain through the middle of next year. To prepare for the scaffolding on the plaza, the contractor will be installing supports directly beneath the scaffolding on both the garage lower and upper levels starting August 19. The area is located south of the ramp nearest to Geary Boulevard. Approximately 60 total parking spots will be blocked for both the supports and to be used as temporary driving lanes.  For your safety, please follow all posted signage, including posted detours.

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Marien Coss, Project Manager, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information, please visit the project page >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Advisory - Notice of Pedestrian Detour Adjustment, August 2024

Please be advised – Starting this week, the entrance to Japan Center East from Post Street will be adjusted to direct pedestrians through a protected path, more toward the middle of the block/plaza, just west on Post Street.

This detour will allow for demolition of the existing path to the East Mall entrance.

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours: 

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

For questions, please contact the project manager:

Marien Coss, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information visit our webpage for the Japantown Peach Plaza Renovation Project >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction update, July 2024

Major demolition is now 55% completed. The plaza surface surrounding the pagoda has been removed exposing the original and historic base and clearing the way for Pagoda scaffolding in the future. All the previous plaza features have been removed and about half the finishes to slab. We also successfully completed two of four scheduled dates of night work (see notice).

The final two dates scheduled for night work are:

  • July 23, 2024 – Concrete Demolition and possibly some Hot Fluid Waterproofing

  • July 29, 2024 – Hot Fluid Waterproofing

Major demolition is expected to continue through the end of August. The public will soon be directed through protected paths at the plaza from the mall entrances to Post Street. These detours will allow for demolition of the existing paths to the mall entrances

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours:

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

For questions, please contact the project manager:

Marien Coss, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information visit our webpage for the Japantown Peach Plaza Renovation Project >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Notice of Night Work

Plant Construction Company, L.P. will be performing concrete demolition and hot-fluid waterproofing work at the Japantown Peace Plaza (1610 Geary Blvd.) on the following dates:

  • July 8, 2024 – Concrete Demolition

  • July 10, 2024 – Hot-Fluid Waterproofing

  • July 23, 2024 – Concrete Demolition

  • July 29, 2024 – Hot-Fluid Waterproofing

Work will be performed during the hours of 3:30A.M. and 8:30A.M. to minimize the disruption of operations at Japan Center Malls.

There will be a high level of noise due to the use of concrete demolition equipment. Our Team will adopt sound mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels during demolition with the use of “Noise Reduction Barrier” blankets (STC 33) around the perimeter of the work area.

Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the duration of construction (Spring 2024 - Early 2026). Please follow new detour signage on Post Street to Mall Plaza Entrances.

For more information visit: For questions, please contact the project manager:

Marien Coss, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information visit our webpage for the Japantown Peach Plaza Renovation Project >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Notice of Night Work

Plant Construction Company, L.P. will be performing concrete demolition and hot-fluid waterproofing work at the Japantown Peace Plaza (1610 Geary Blvd.) on the following dates:

  • July 8, 2024 – Concrete Demolition

  • July 10, 2024 – Hot-Fluid Waterproofing

  • July 23, 2024 – Concrete Demolition

  • July 29, 2024 – Hot-Fluid Waterproofing

Work will be performed during the hours of 3:30A.M. and 8:30A.M. to minimize the disruption of operations at Japan Center Malls.

There will be a high level of noise due to the use of concrete demolition equipment. Our Team will adopt sound mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels during demolition with the use of “Noise Reduction Barrier” blankets (STC 33) around the perimeter of the work area.

Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the duration of construction (Spring 2024 - Early 2026). Please follow new detour signage on Post Street to Mall Plaza Entrances.

For more information visit: For questions, please contact the project manager:

Marien Coss, marien.coss@sfgov.org, (628) 652-6647.

For more information visit our webpage for the Japantown Peach Plaza Renovation Project >>

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Update, June 2024

Following up on our last update at the end of May, we’re pleased to report that major demolition is now 40% completed. In the past few weeks, demolition focused on removing the plaza surfacing near the pagoda and west side of the plaza. The crew is working to expose the structural slab, surface beams, and fountain base. Note that all the vents and drains have been covered and protected from construction debris.

We have also completed all the necessary removal of landscaping features. The plants that are being preserved for later replanting have been delivered to the Rec & Park Nursery in Golden Gate Park. Our staff will care for them until they are replanted in the plaza at the end of construction.

Major demolition is expected to continue into August. In next few weeks, we expect to complete the demolition of the plaza wall along Geary Blvd, the planter wall near East Mall, and the lower level of the plaza surface to expose the structural slab.

Remember! Japan Center Malls remain open throughout the construction duration. Please be aware of the following pedestrian detours: 

  • Access from Geary Boulevard – Detour to both East Mall and West Mall through the Geary Boulevard parking garage

  • Access from Post Street – Enter through existing fenced paths near the buildings to East Mall and West Mall

  • SIDEWALK CLOSED on the north side of Geary Boulevard from Laguna Street to Buchanan Street (mid-block crosswalk).

Thank you for your support as we embark on this exciting project!

For more information about the project, visit the project page >>

Marien Coss, Project Manager, (628) 652-6647, marien.coss@sfgov.org

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Update, May 2024

As we shared in our last update, construction on Japantown Peace Plaza has begun!

The plaza is now closed, and mobilization is in full swing. This month you can expect to see (and hear) construction activities such as: 

  • Closing Geary Boulevard North Sidewalk between Laguna and Buchanan Streets for the duration of construction. This is contractor’s staging area for all equipment and materials. Follow safety signs to Geary Boulevard South Sidewalk to avoid the fenced areas.

  • Adjustments to the perimeter barricades to accommodate customer/delivery access and contractor work.

  • Prepping and protecting the features that will remain in place for the duration of construction, such as the large monument at the plaza entrance on Post Street.  

  • Removing elements that will be salvaged and reused, such as boulders. Plaques and other historically significant elements are being carefully removed, packaged, and stored.

  • Removal of all furnishings, including seating, lighting, and vegetation.

As each of these preparations are completed, heavy construction will follow to remove everything between those brittle tiles and the structural slab.

Japan Center Malls will remain open throughout the construction duration: 

  • From Geary Boulevard – Stairs and ramp to the plaza will be closed off for the duration of construction. Pedestrians entering East Mall and West Mall from Geary Boulevard please detour through the parking garage.

  • From Post Street – Plaza access to the East Mall and West Mall remains open. Look for fenced pathways near each building leading to both plaza entrances.

Thank you for your support as we embark on this exciting project!

For more information about the project, visit the project page >>

Marien Coss, Project Manager, (628) 652-6647, marien.coss@sfgov.org

Change to Peace Plaza Renovation Design to include double staircase from Geary Boulevard discussed at the Arts Commission Civic Design Committee, 5/20/24.

Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Update, April 29, 2024

From the Rec & Park Department Project Update Page: "Japantown Peace Plaza Renovation | Construction Has Begun! Look for pedestrian detours
Construction on Japantown Peace Plaza has begun! Thanks to everyone who was able to join our groundbreaking celebration last Saturday.
Now that construction has begun, construction activities you can expect to see this week (4/29-5/3) include:

  • On Geary Boulevard – Stairs and ramp to the plaza will be closed off for the duration of construction. Pedestrians entering East Mall and West Mall from Geary Boulevard will be detoured through the parking garage.

  • On Post Street – Plaza access to the East Mall and West Mall remains open. Look for fenced pathways leading to both plaza entrances.

In the coming weeks (5/6-5/22), expect to see access to West Mall from the plaza closed for one week. During this period, pedestrian access to West Mall will be detoured through the garage west of the plaza. Plaza access to the East Mall will remain open during this time via the fenced pathway.

Once this week-long work is completed, plaza access to West Mall will reopen, and then plaza access to East Mall will be closed for one week for similar work.
Throughout the duration of the project, the Japan Center Malls will remain open. 

We will post updates about pedestrian detours and other project-related information on the project webpage >>

Thanks for your support and stay tuned for updates!

Marien Coss, Project Manager, (628) 652-6647, marien.coss@sfgov.org

Additional Info...

Peace Plaza Renovation Groundbreaking Ceremony. 4/27/24.

The Japantown Community

The community rallied around the concept plan efforts, showing strong unified support after years of advocacy to renovate the plaza. The photos below capture important events of the past, as well as those supporting to the Vision Plan process.


“The Peace Plaza Concept Plan is a community-driven plan we can all be proud of. I am pleased that the final design captures the cultural identity of San Francisco’s historic Japantown.”

Richard Hashimoto, Co-Chair - JTF Peace Plaza Committee


“I’m a product of the Japantown community…it’s very fulfilling to me today to see this area still used by the children of our programs.”

Jon Osaki, Co-Chair - JTF Peace Plaza Committee